I know it has been a long time- so sorry! I tell you when life takes over- wow- time flies! I have had quite a few photo shoots since the last time I was able to post on my blog and I feel terrible. However I did get a bright idea the other day... why not help my followers out with some of my favorite tricks of the trade. That way when I am not around at your family functions or your child's first steps you can fill in the gaps with your own camera! My new goal is to mix some tips in with some of my work. I hope you enjoy trying some of these- they can really help make your shots interesting....

#1) Don't be afraid to get in close! Many people take a shot and the focus of it is diluted by the surroundings or the other people in the shot. If you zoom in and get a tight shot, the focus is all your audience will see and you will be much happier with the end result!

#2) Backgrounds do not need to be extravagant to make a shot! Sometimes the best shots are the ones with the most simple backgrounds. For example, concrete (above) adds to the shot rather than making it busy. Get creative, sometimes using a background nobody else would can really make your shots memorable.

#3) Use the sun, don't be afraid of it! So many people have learned through the years to shoot with the sun behind their backs. In some cases this can be the way to go, however in other moments when the sun is in the right spot it can really create a beautiful shot (above and below).
Bonus tip: Keep an eye on the shadows you create, sometimes they can be very interesting (like the family shot above)!

I hope you enjoy trying a few of these tips!
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