I can hardly believe it, baby girl Marley is turning one! It seems like just yesterday this little bundle of joy arrived. A few weekends ago, we got together with Julie and Josh to photograph Marley and we had a blast. Marley knew just what to do when her cake was placed in front of her, my kind of girl! After a while she went into a sugar coma as she shoveled cake into her mouth. It was awesome, enjoy...
The Baker family is such an awesome family! I took photos of Bennett when he was little and what a precious boy- now he is all grown up and so cute! His sister is just beautiful and they are so sweet together! I hope you enjoy these shots as much as I enjoyed taking them.
Maya is 9 months old and what a precious little girl she is! I have had the pleasure of taking photos of Maya and Abrian for a while and they are both so much fun. I can't wait to see her again for her one year old shots! Enjoy...